A Word From The Author
Tina spent her formative years in the picturesque Pine Creek Gorge of Pennsylvania. In the shadows of those breathtaking mountains, she drafted her compelling debut novel, The Common Hours, a moving story of redemption that captures the profound journey of finding hope when all seems lost.
Now residing in the vibrant and arid landscape of southern Arizona, Tina continues her passion for writing both historical fiction and technical documentation. She is the proud owner of Armchair Books LLC and serves as a content writer for 9 Embers. She is hard at work on her sequel, The Waking Hours.
Tina D. Stephens

The Common Hours
In Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 1888, the lumber industry is turning ordinary citizens into millionaires. John and Mary Richardson and their daughter, Sarah, live a privileged life on millionaire row. It’s one week before Sarah’s fourteenth birthday when Mary is caught in an affair with the local minister. Change is happening and Sarah is powerless to stop it. Mary returns to a forgotten past where she hopes to find resolution. Sarah loses everything familiar to her when her father moves them to a small village in the north wilderness to escape the Williamsport gossip. It is a year that will change them in unexpected ways.

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Upcoming Book
In The Common Hours, readers are introduced to Mary, whose life is irrevocably changed by a horrific accident she witnessed as a child. The secrets she has held onto for years are explored further in the upcoming sequel, The Waking Hours. This book takes you deeper into the lives of John, Mary, and Sarah, revealing what happened to Mary after the tragedy and how the secrets she keeps become the keys to unlocking the love and healing her family desperately needs.